Impacts de la phénologie

Impacts de la phénologie sur les performances des organismes, le fonctionnement des écosystèmes et la dynamique des communautés

Keynote speaker : présentation

  • A synthesis of Aleppo pine phenology: from the primary growth to sap velocity - M. Cailleret  S4_21_Cailleret.pdf
  • Climate change, shifting flowering phenology and their consequences on the reproduction of oak trees - Emilie Fleurot  S4_21_Fleurot.pdf
  • Effects og phenology on community turnover in temperate forest understoreys - Dries Landuyt  S4_21_Landuyt.pdf
  • Evolution of plant phenology under a changing climate: insights from quantitative genetics models - Ophélie Ronce  S4_21_Ronce.pdf
  • Flowering and leaf phenology are more variable and stronger associated to traits in herbaceous compared to tree species - Robert Rauschkolb  S4_20_Rauschkolb.pdf
  • No risk - no fun : The penalty of spring frost damages on  deciduous temperate trees - Frederik Baumgarten  S4_21_Baumgarten.pdf
  • Phenology and herbage yield and quality in Swiss permanent grasslands as linked to climate and climate change - Pierluigi Calanca  S4_20_Calanca.pdf
  • Pollen production of birch under differing environmental regimes in International Phenological Gardens across Europe - Surendra Ranpal  S4_21_Ranpal.pdf
  • Wheat growing risks in France according to phenological sensitivities to climate change - Renan Le Roux  S4_20_Le_Roux.pdf
  • Will our trees flush earlier and earlier? Insides from an extreme warming experiment - Ilka Beil  S4_20_Beil.pdf

Date de création : 27 février 2024 | Rédaction : INRAE