

This working group has the objective to develop and disseminate tools and methods to model phenology.

The main activities of the modelling working group will be dedicated to the following:

  • developing analytical and predictive phenological models;
  • disseminating analysis and modelling tools for non-specialists;
  • training specialists and non-specialists in the use of these tools.

The predictive tools developed are phenological process-based models that predict the occurrence of phenological events based on weather conditions (especially temperature).

For several years now, TEMPO partners have been involved in developing phenological modelling tools. Among these, the CEFE-CNRS and Agroclim-INRAE have developed the Phenological Modelling Platform - PMP (PMP5.7 - Delphi) (Chuine et al., 2013). PMP is a user-friendly software with an interface for designing and setting up a phenological model, but also for running simulations with a pre-configured model.


One of TEMPO objectives is to disseminate this type of software to users and continue to build new features into the existing library. In addition, TEMPO also aims to make the library of phenological functions available on the various existing modelling platforms (CAPSISRECORDand OpenAlea).

Other actions are also being considered in this work group such as the use of statistical methods to analyse historical series of phenological data.

Manager of the Observatories:

Inaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri

Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 05 January 2018 | By: INRAE