Information system

Information system

Assignment: the management of the data collected by the different observatories of TEMP by capitalizing on existing tools.

The Working Group on the information system is primarily dedicated to developing an information system, which disseminates data of the different observatories.

The Information System includes a web portal connected to several existing independent information systems in order to provide a single point access to phenology data nation-wide. By using web services, it will therefore provide a centralized access to phenology data, which are currently spread over several databases, some of which are currently not accessible on the web.

To share data which does not benefit from an information system, TEMPO also uses the web application SIDO. The data are uploaded on the TEMPO dataverse in the Entrepot Recherche Data Gouv Dataverse.

More about the data portal.


Modification date: 08 February 2024 | Publication date: 05 January 2018 | By: INRAE