Phenoclim Agroclim License

Phenoclim Agroclim License

License for the non-public data available in the Phenoclim Agroclim database.

This license applies to the non-public data available in the Phenoclim Agroclim database (hereinafter referred to as “Phenoclim AgroClim - Pro”).

By accessing the data of the Database “Phenoclim AgroClim - Pro”, you accept a license granted under the conditions defined below:

Article 1 : right of use

Under the present license, is exclusively granted a right of private, individual, personal and non-transferable use on the data selected and downloaded via the TEMPO portal concerning the database “Phenoclim AgroClim - Pro”.

This right is obtained exclusively after the authorization of access to the “Phenoclim AgroClim - Pro” database has been granted by the administrator of the same (in this case, the AgroClim - INRAE Service Unit).

Article 2 : reuse

The data in the database “Phenoclim AgroClim - Pro” can be used and processed under reserve:

- that their meaning is not altered

- that their source “Data from the Phenoclim AgroClim - Pro database via the TEMPO Network Portal” and the date of their download are mentioned.

Article 3 : distribution

Their redistribution and sharing are not allowed.

Article 4: modification of the conditions of use

The administrators and owners of the data of the Database ” Phenoclim Agroclim - Pro ” reserve the right to modify these conditions at any time.

All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by the administrators and owners.

Article 5 : traceability

The user is strongly recommended to inform the owner of the data of their use.

Moreover, the user engages himself/herself to send the citation of his/her article to the persons in charge of the database ” Phenoclim AgroClim - Pro “.

Modification date: 22 December 2023 | Publication date: 21 September 2020 | By: Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri