Phytopathogenic fungus Observatory

Phytopathogenic fungus Observatory

The phenology of pathogens is a particularly significant trait to consider in their interactions with their hosts, especially in temperate areas and in a context of climate change.

Even if plant pathologists do not usually use the term "phenology", they are particularly interested in spore release periods, first occurrence of symptoms, production of primary inoculum every year, which are, by nature, seasonal.

The main problem is that phenological stages of the targeted organisms are not visible to the naked eye, which often implies that the disease symptoms on the host, instead of the fungus in itself, are recorded.

An important point for this Observatory is that it is interested in a plant-fungus interaction, and notably the synchronization between the phenologies of both organisms.

Managers :

Marie Launay - Responsable

Modification date: 03 April 2024 | Publication date: 04 January 2018 | By: INRAE